UK Go Youth Team select CHS players

Congratulations to Year 9 pupil Sam and Lower Sixth student Matthew who have both been selected to represent the UK Go Team in this year’s European Youth Go Team Championship and Hong Kong Youth Match respectively.

Under 16 player Sam is close to gaining a 1 kyu ranking, which means he is just one step away from achieving the highest rank of becoming a Dan player.

Sam and his fellow team-mates, selected from around the country, together competed in their first match of the European tournament against a relatively strong French team, winning 3-2. As is regular practice in international Go competitions, the event was held virtually, but for Sam who has been playing Go as a member of CHS’s weekly Co-Curricular Go club since Year 7, that didn’t present too much of a challenge.

He said: “It’s pretty much the same as playing in-person tournaments really, the biggest difference is you miss moving the stones, it’s an aesthetic difference, but that’s a big part of the enjoyment of playing the game.”

Cheadle Hulme School Go players with Go board in science classroom

Lower Sixth student Matthew is a member of the team competing in the Youth Match vs Hong Kong. He played against Yat Shu Li in the last-team-standing competition which sees twelve British Youth players and twelve children from Hong Kong go head to head and battle it out over a series of matches to become the overall winner.

CHS’s Go Club will return after the Christmas holidays from Wednesday 13 January 2021 and new members are welcome to just turn up and take part.

The sessions will be held every Wednesday after School from 3.45pm-5pm with boards spread out around the School Dining Hall to make sure the games can be played in a socially-distanced, safe environment.