Financial Assistance

We believe that a Cheadle Hulme School education should be accessible beyond those who can afford it.

We have a long tradition of providing financial assistance to talented young people, offering them the opportunity of a CHS education.

We believe bursaries have a positive impact not only on an individual recipient but on the entire school community as they help to create a more diverse community that is more representative of the society our young people will go on to live and work in.

When awarding bursaries, we take into account  a pupil’s academic performance and the potential to develop and benefit from co-curricular opportunities.

Financial assistance is only available to pupils joining Year 7 and Year 12. Levels of support range from 10% to 100% of the annual fee.  If you are offered a 100% financial assistance award, extra assistance may also be available to help with the cost of uniform, a digital device and trips.

Bursary Applications for September 2025 entry

Our Financial Assistance application process is administered on our behalf by a third party, Bursary Assessment Associates (BAA), an independent company.  

Each application for Financial Assistance is means-tested and assessed carefully to make sure that all assistance provided is appropriate and in line with our charitable values.  Means-testing is conducted in partnership with BAA and includes consideration of  your family’s circumstances and the affordability of school fees.  

Parents will be required to:-

  • Fill in an online application form
  • Provide supporting documents as set out in this Checklist
  • Attend a virtual meeting with a member of the BAA team to discuss your application

An offer of Financial Assistance is subject to our Financial Assistance Policy.

Parents are welcome  to contact our Admissions Department at any time to discuss a possible application on 0161 488 3345 or at  We are happy to meet with you in person to discuss your application by appointment. 


To qualify for our Financial Assistance scheme your household’s gross annual income (before tax and other deductions) must typically be £90,000 or less.  We offer a range of assistance, starting from 10% fee remission. 

Each application for Financial Assistance is assessed carefully, taking into account:-

  • all sources of income including benefits
  • all outgoings
  • the value and council tax band of the family home
  • all assets (e.g. property, savings, shares)
  • all liabilities (e.g. mortgage, arrears, loans)
  • the size of your family 

You will be sent an Application Form to complete. The financial information you provide must be supported with documentation, as set out in this checklist. 

Our Governing Body decides who to award assistance to and support is only available to pupils joining the Senior School in Year 7 and Year 12.  We take into account academic performance and will make awards to pupils who we consider will gain the most from receiving their education at Cheadle Hulme School, who are likely to make good progress in their studies and who have  the potential to develop and benefit from taking part in the wider, co-curricular activities on offer at our School. 

An offer of Financial Assistance is subject to our Financial Assistance Policy.

Parents are welcome  to contact our Admissions Department at any time to discuss a possible application on 0161 488 3345 or  We are happy to meet with you in person to discuss your application by appointment. 

We understand it is helpful to estimate the level of financial support that may be available to you. Click here to view an illustration of the possible award based upon total family income. 

Please note: the current School fees can be found here. Fees for future years have not yet been confirmed. 

Step 1 If you wish to apply for Financial Assistance, please tick the relevant box on your online Application Form for entry to our Senior School, which must be submitted by no later than 5pm on Friday 1 December 2023.

Step 2Your application will be acknowledged and you will be directed to our Financial Assistance Application Form and our Checklist of supporting documentation required, so that you can prepare your application ahead of the deadline.  Please ensure that you have received this email prior to 5pm on 1st December 2023

Step 3 – If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact our Admissions Team on 0161 488 3345 or  We are happy to arrange a meeting with you.  A member of the team will also be available to speak with you at our Open Events on 30 September 2023 and 18 November 2023 or during a personalised tour. 

Step 4 – Our Admissions team will be in touch by 22 January 2024 to advise whether your child has been invited to interview.   If invited to interview, we will ask you to complete the Financial Assistance Application Form provided.  

Step 5 Your completed Application Form and supporting documentation must be brought in to CHS when your child attends for an interview during the week commencing 29 January 2024.  We will not be able to process any applications received after the deadline of 2 February 2024. 

At the end of the interview you will meet with a member of our Admissions and Finance teams to check the Application Form has been completed correctly and that all documentation has been provided.   We will be unable to process any application received without complete documentation. 

Step 6 During the week commencing 5 February 2024, members of our Admissions and Finance teams may arrange to  meet you at your home to  discuss any issues arising from your application for Financial Assistance. We will visit every family who may qualify for a 50% to 100% award. If you are selected, you will be contacted by our Finance team  to arrange an appointment, and we ask that you make yourself available for a home visit during this week.  This meeting also offers you the opportunity to find out more about CHS.  We will not be able to offer either a school place or Financial Assistance to every family we visit.

Step 7 – On Monday 26 February 2024 offers for Year 7 entry in September 2024 are posted first class.  Financial Assistance awards will be confirmed within our offer letter and are treated confidentially.

Step 8 – Post Offer tours will take place on Thursday 29 February, Friday 1 March, Monday 4 March and Tuesday 5 March 2024.  

Step 9 – Acceptance of any offer for Financial Assistance must be received by no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

Step 10– During the Summer Term, a member of our pastoral team will contact all families in receipt of a Financial Assistance award to help your family experience a smooth transition to Senior School. 

Step 1 – If you wish to apply for Financial Assistance, please tick the relevant box on your online Application Form for entry to our Sixth Form, which must be submitted by no later than 5pm on Friday 1 December 2023.

Step 2 – Your application will be acknowledged and you will be directed to our Financial Assistance Application Form and our Checklist of supporting documentation required, so that you can prepare your application ahead of the deadline.  Please ensure that you have received this email prior to 5pm on 1st December 2023.

Step 3 – If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact our Admissions Team on 0161 488 3345 or  We are happy to arrange a meeting with you.  A member of the team will also be available to speak with you at our Open Events on 30 September 2023 and 18 November 2023 or during a personalised tour. 

Step 4 – Our Admissions team will be in touch by 29 January 2024 to advise whether your child has been invited to interview.   If invited to interview, we will ask you to complete the Financial Assistance Application Form provided.  

Step 5 – Your completed Application Form and supporting documentation must be brought in to CHS when your child attends for an interview during the week commencing 19 February 2024.  We will not be able to process any applications received after the deadline of 23 February 2024. 

At the end of the interview you will meet with a member of our Admissions and Finance teams to check the Application Form has been completed correctly and that all documentation has been provided.   We will be unable to process any application received without complete documentation. 

Step 6 – During the week commencing 26 February 2024, members of our team may arrange to  meet you at your home to  discuss any issues arising from your application for Financial Assistance. We will visit every family who may qualify for a 50% to 100% award. If you are selected, you will be contacted by our Finance team  to arrange an appointment, and we ask that you make yourself available for a home visit during this week.  This meeting also offers you the opportunity to find out more about CHS.  We will not be able to offer either a school place or Financial Assistance to every family we visit.

Step 7 – Our offers for Sixth Form entry in September 2024 will be emailed during the week commencing 4 March 2024.  Financial Assistance awards will be confirmed within our offer letter and are treated confidentially.

Our Financial Assistance scheme is means-tested and provides a contribution of between 10% and 100% of school fees to pupils who have been offered a place at CHS but who would not be able to attend without some level of financial support, depending upon their individual circumstances. 

This scheme aligns with CHS’s commitment to broadening access to our education, regardless of financial means. 

Awards are only available to pupils joining the Senior School in Year 7 and Year 12. 

Yes. Your child has to be considered for a place based upon the outcome of our entrance assessment, their interview and school report.  This selection process is separate from your Financial Assistance application, so if your child meets our selection standards, they will still be offered a place, regardless of being awarded Financial Assistance. 

If your child meets our selection standards but your application for Financial Assistance is not successful, then your child will be offered a fee-paying place. 

Academic performance will have no impact on the level of Financial Assistance awarded. 

The Application Form is detailed and asks for a lot of information.  Please ensure that you allow yourself sufficient time to complete the form and provide the documentation by the deadline.  How long it takes to complete will depend upon how complicated your financial affairs are.  The more information and documentation you provide, the easier it is for us to make an accurate and fair assessment of your ability to pay fees. 

Our Financial Assistance process carefully considers your ability to pay the fees.  If we make an award, you will be expected to pay your assessed contribution and it is for your family to decide if you are willing to make those adjustments.

Depending upon the level of  financial assistance award, extra support may also be available to help with the cost of uniform, digital device and some school trips.   Further information will be detailed in your offer letter. Additional school costs are detailed here

No. We consider the level of support each year, so you must fill in the Application Form every year to allow us to review and reassess your circumstances.  We may increase or reduce the amount of assistance you receive depending on any changes in your household’s circumstances. 

The Governors can also reduce or withdraw assistance if a pupil’s progress, attitude or behaviour has been unsatisfactory. 

Hardship Awards are allocated on a case by case basis in circumstances of unexpected financial hardship and are usually given to support a family to complete the academic year.  Priority is given to students who are taking public exams during the year. Queries should be directed to

Yes! Please watch Maisha’s story here, which makes this inclusion clear.

We welcome families on to our site by inviting them for tours, sporting and social events, to ensure they feel comfortable when interacting with all aspects of CHS.

A member of our pastoral team will liaise with you to ensure a smooth transition to the Senior School in the Summer term. 

Currently 1 in 11 students benefit from some sort of means tested Financial Assistance at CHS.  We have launched an appeal to increase this to 1 in 6 by 2030.

Any queries regarding the process for Financial Assistance should be directed to our Admissions Team at or on 0161 488 3345.

Queries regarding the Financial Assistance Application Form or the documentation required should be directed to our Finance Team at or on 0161 488 3340.