Future Self

In today’s challenging job market, having excellent qualifications is often not enough to secure that dream job. That’s why we continue to work with employers to make sure we can help our pupils develop the kind of employability skills organisations are looking for.

Our Future Self programme allows pupils to develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, public speaking, digital literacy and emotional intelligence.

Regardless of year group, all pupils have access to a wide range of resources with detailed information, advice and guidance about future careers. We also offer specific support to those making key decisions about GCSE options, A Levels, Higher Education and job opportunities.

We are fortunate to have a supportive and highly knowledgeable parent and alumni network, many of whom give up their time to give careers talks, mentor students, offer work experience or give specific advice about a particular job or industry. Our biennial Careers Convention is a great opportunity for our pupils to meet potential employers from more than 40 sectors.

Through our online CHS Community parents and Old Waconians can support careers opportunities for our current pupils, as well as act as mentors and offer advice about their CV or interview experience. Join CHS Community here.

If you have any questions about our Future Self programme please contact Director of the Waconian Programme Mrs Haffner (clarehaffner@chschool.co.uk).

Your Future Self Timeline at CHS

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