Chapter Two, Sixth Form – GCSE Results Day 2024

Today CHS welcomes Year 11 Waconians back onto site to receive their GCSE Results! This morning is all about celebrating the hard work the pupils have put in during their time in Senior School, and beginning their new chapter in the Sixth Form.
“After a hugely positive A level and BTEC results day last week, CHS pupils have done incredibly well this week too. The GCSE results are very strong and we will be welcoming many very happy pupils and parents onto the site this morning. There are some stellar performances, with top grades across the board, and some inspiring stories of pupils who have faced really tough challenges and succeeded in their exams when the odds were stacked against them. These results provide a great foundation for this year group to continue their educational careers in the Sixth Form and beyond and we are sure that they will also be a successful Class of 2026!”
Mr Lee Richardson, Head
Stellar grades for Oscar
Oscar is really pleased with his results, and is staying on for Sixth Form to study Music, Chemistry, Biology & an EPQ.

Family celebration for Natalia
Well done Waconian Natalia who is really relieved and happy with her results and is staying at CHS to study History, English Literature and Politics at A Level.

Lucien scores 9s across the board
It’s big smiles from Lucien with his incredible results! Lucien will be starting Sixth Form in September studying Maths, Chemistry & Physics.
Lucien celebrates along side 12 others who scored 100% grade 9s & 8s.

Luna, Lottie, Eliza & Emma celebrate results together
Luna, Lottie, Eliza & Emma are ready to celebrate their brilliant results together tonight! All four are staying on for Sixth Form at CHS, with Luna choosing French, History & Politics, Lottie deciding on Chemistry, Spanish, Politics & Core Maths, Eliza going for RS, History & Psychology, and Emma, Biology, Psychology & Chemistry. Well done girls!

Liam plays it cool by picking up results mid cricket game!
Congratulations to Waconian Liam who is really relieved with his results, and is now off to finish his cricket match!

Perfect scores from Sophia
It’s a morning of celebration for Sophia who scored 9 across all subjects and is excited to stay on to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. Well done Sophia!

Harry, Charlie, Oliver & Billy celebrate together
Harry, Charlie, Oliver & Billy are all really happy with their results this morning and can’t wait to celebrate together tonight. Well done boys!

Top grades for Jasmine
Congratulations to Jasmine who is celebrating her fantastic results and is staying at CHS to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry & Physics.

Next stop Sixth Form for Sam & Ted
Both Sam and Ted are feeling good this morning after opening their fantastic sets of results! Sam is going to be studying Classics, English Literature & Drama, and Ted is excited to begin his courses in Business, Politics & English Literature.