Cracking Codes at the Business Language Champions Event – Frankie (Senior School Waconian)
Blog post written by Senior School Waconian and Linguist, Frankie.
For those selected to compete in the Business Language Champions Event, we went in not knowing what to expect. With the help of GCHQ, the event was kept almost completely a secret; making it all the more exciting. What we did all know, is that we would compete in teams of 6 in either French, Spanish, German or Italian. For me, I wanted to participate out of my love for languages, and to see how I could put my prior skills to the test.
Firstly, the keynote speech detailed more about GCHQ and what it’s like to be part of the Secret Service. It was fascinating to listen to as it was enlightening us about a path which was previously unknown. After an introduction to the structure of the day, each team split off into 3 pairs to attend language taster sessions in either Mandarin, Korean or Arabic. We learnt different numbers and simple phrases in these lesser taught languages, which was a great opportunity to experience something outside of what CHS offers. Additionally, we were told these languages would be important in helping us out in the main task.
For the main task, we were tracking down drug traffickers in the teams’ target country, acting like GCHQ employees, intercepting codes, messages, audios and more in our language and the ones given in the taster sessions. It was particularly great to see everyone collaborating so well, from CHS and the other schools involved. At one point a GCHQ member went missing, so part of each team had to split off to uncover the mystery. Overall, everything we did led up to a final presentation, where each team would explain their findings in their target language to those from GCHQ and Business Language Champions. It was thrilling to see so many enthusiastic linguists getting involved and speaking so brilliantly in another language!
Whilst the presentations were taking place, each team had to make a board game relating to GCHQ in their language. There were games from spy themed snakes and ladders all the way to a 3D game, travelling across the globe to find missing agents and everything in between.
At the end of the day, there was another insight into life working at GCHQ through a Q&A. Many great questions were asked and we found out that you can get paid to be re-trained in a new language – going from beginner to degree level in as little as 18 months – as well as what a day would entail. Getting to intercept messages or audios and translating them was a normal task for those in GCHQ, just like we got to do in our challenges.
Team successes at CHS included one of our French teams coming runners up in the presentation, as well as Alice from our Spanish team winning an individual prize. Huge congratulations to them and everyone else involved!
I really enjoyed the event as someone passionate about languages, who values their importance in our multicultural world. I learnt how to apply my language skills in a different way than in the classroom, which will ultimately help me communicate internationally in the future. I have always considered languages to be critical in understanding other cultures and for communicating across the globe, which has only been reinforced by this challenging and fascinating day.