Fantastic Football in the Junior School – Mr Cartwright (CHS Junior School Teacher)
by Mr Cartwright, Junior School Teacher • Junior Games & Fixtures Coordinator
Junior School In The ISFA
The Junior School entered, for the first time, the Independent Schools FA Cup with a team of Year 5 and 6 girls.
After gaining experience by competing in the Manchester City Schools tournament in November, putting in a strong performance in the AIJS Girls Football Festival in February and coming 5th Terra Nova’s Annual Girls Football Tournament last week, the team was confident they could show off their skills at the ISFA Cup at AKS Lytham.
The girls arrived, missing Sienna (Year 4) who missed out on competing because the tournament was for Year 5 and 6 only, and were ready to play their first match against AKS. They worked hard and managed to come out with a 1 -1 draw.
After some tactical changes the team came out strong against Terra Nova, comfortably scoring 2 goals to take the lead. It looked like the game was going to be a clean sweep, but, with seconds to go the Terra Nova striker connected beautifully with the ball to score a goal in the top right corner, making the final score 2 – 1 to CHS.
The final game of the group stages saw CHS take on Stockport Grammar School in a tense match. There was some excellent attacking and defending from both sides with the CHS team putting all their skills into practice. Jessica Flynn ran herself into the ground chasing every ball she could, running so fast that at one point she nearly tripped herself over! Elsie Daw was formidable in midfield applying constant pressure to the Stockport defence & combining well with Lapenna who was a constant thorn in the side of the Stockport defence. The back 3 of Tebbutt, James & Fryer were brilliant throughout & Twemlow was magical with the ball at her feet. Gartside captained the team amazingly, providing motivation and encouragement to her peers and making a number of great saves.
Despite their best efforts the girls were denied a goal, they held out safe in the knowledge a draw would be enough to finish second and progress to St George’s Park… sadly, as is often the case in sport, it was not to be. In the final seconds of the game Stockport managed an extraordinary throw-in that flew from the halfway over the entire CHS team, creating a 2v1 between Stockport and the CHS keeper. There was nothing that could have been done.
0-1 CHS lost.
The points at the end of the group stages were:
Terra Nova W 2, L1 = 6 points.
CHS W 1, D1, L1 = 4 points
SGS W1, D1, L1 = 4 points
AKS D2, L1 = 2 points.
Lady Barn – Withdrew.
CHS & Stockport Grammar School were drawn on points, drawn on goals for AND drawn on goals against, the scorer had to go back to the head to head Stockport who had just clinched the game 1-0 moments before.
The Cheadle girls were gracious in defeat and stayed to clap the eventual winners (Terra Nova) and runners up (Stockport) as they received their trophy and medals. As a reward for their hard work, determination and positive attitudes they were taken for an ice cream on the beach before returning to CHS.
Although I had the absolute pleasure & privilege of accompanying the girls to all of their football tournaments, festivals & fixtures this year it has been a true team effort to develop them into the team & squad they have become. Mr Bidwell, Mr Offord, Mr Wood, Mrs Walker & Mr Weightman have all coached, supported & encouraged the team in fixtures, in Games and at club.
All the teachers very much look forward to seeing these young ladies continue their football in the Senior School, where they are sure they will build from this excellent platform.
Girls selected to play in the U11 A team this year:
Assisi Bowler, Elsie Daw, Jessica Flynn, Evie Fryer, Eloise Gartside (C), Rianna Henry, Lexie Lapenna, Phoebe Tebbutt, Sienna Evans (Y4) Darcey James (Y5), Nikki Nozari (Y5), Myla Twemlow (Y5).
Girls selected in the wider U11 Squad and have also represented the School in football this year:
Emma Leckie-Tarynor, Willow Parry, Ani Khanna, Katie Double, Ada Byrne, Holly McKnight, Lola Buckby, Aamyna Malik, Noor Mohyuddin, Kanisha Gangani.

Year 1 & 2 Football Fun
This week, for the first time, Cheadle Hulme Junior School hosted a Year 1 & 2 Football Festivals. On consecutive days we hosted festivals for all our Y1 & 2 pupils with visiting teams Pownall Green Primary, Greenbank School, Bradshaw Hall Primary and Pownall Hall School. It was brilliant to see over 150 children taking part and enjoying themselves over the two days.
On both days 8 teams each played 7 matches in a fun, positive and friendly environment. The festivals were supported by our Year 6 House Captains, School Councillors as well as some of our Sports Captains who did a fantastic job of greeting our visitors & spectators as well as refereeing the football matches.
A note of thanks to CHSPA who kindly funded the new ‘Bazooka Goals’. They have already become a fantastic part of our PE & Games equipment and will continue to be useful throughout the Junior School Games curriculum.
Mr Cartwright & Mr Bidwell would like to thank all of the pupils, staff & parents for supporting these events with such gusto. There has been a real buzz of excitement around School from our infant pupils and the events have been a great success. As a result of this success we intend to make the festivals annual events in order to give our younger pupils a taste of what is to come when they progress to the Juniors.
To learn more about our Infant & Junior school, visit our website here.