Computer Science GCSE Exam Information
GCSE Course Content
Students are taught computational thinking skills, code tracing, problem-solving, programming concepts including the design of effective algorithms and the designing, writing, testing and refining of code. These are assessed in Paper 1, which covers the following two topic areas:
• Fundamentals of algorithms
• Programming
The remaining aspects of the qualification are delivered over the following topics, and are assessed in Paper 2.
• Fundamentals of data representation
• Computer systems
• Fundamentals of computer networks
• Cyber security
• Relational databases and structured query language (SQL)
• Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy
Course Structure
The Computer Science GCSE is comprised of two examination papers weighted at 50% each. The course will be delivered as a liner, two-year qualification, with assessment in Summer of Y11.
Reading and Resources
Aside from the official textbook and accompanying digital resources that students are issued with, it is vital that students demonstrate a broad thirst for learning in computer science. There is no better way to remain abreast of ongoing developments in the subject area than to read technology-related news on a daily basis, using a wide variety of online outlets. There is also a wide variety of monthly publications dedicated to the field of computer science that students are advised to engage with. Students will be issued with recommended reading lists during the course. They are also issued with an official textbook, revision guide and flashcards in addition to an array of interactive online learning and revision materials.
Exam Board: AQA