Religious Studies GCSE Exam Information
Course Content
The AQA Religious Studies Full Course (8062) is followed at CHS. There are 2 papers:
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices. Students study the Christian and Buddhist religions.
Component 2: Thematic Studies involves the study of 4 philosophical and ethical themes. Students study Theme A: Relationships and families, Theme B: Religion and life, Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict and Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice.
The course will be taught in a way that develops both students’ religious knowledge and understanding, but stretches them to challenge ideas, understand differences and work independently and collectively when tasks demand.
Course Structure
Two written examination papers both 1 hour 45 minutes at the end of Year 11.
Reading and Resources
All students are provided with a digital textbook on loan about Christianity and Buddhism which also includes the Thematic theme content. Google Classroom is used as the learning platform and as well as all preps being posted here there are also links to help students develop and extend the depth of their understanding. We encourage all students to remain up to date with current political and social affairs. These are often discussed and impact on lessons due primarily to the topical and hugely relevant Thematic Studies content.
Skills and Application
This programme of study encourages you to:
Develop your interest in, and enthusiasm for, a study of philosophy and religion and its relation to the wider world;
Develop your knowledge, skills and understanding of religion by exploring the significance, impact of beliefs, teachings, sources, practices, ways of life and forms of expressing meaning.
Express your personal responses and informed insights on fundamental questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments.
Develop the ability to reason, reflect and evaluate beliefs and practices effectively
Exam Board: AQA