Science (Year 7 & 8)
Lower School Science
The Lower School science department provides Year 7 and Year 8 with a challenging and dynamic curriculum which covers a broader introduction to biology, chemistry and physics (studied as separate subjects from Year 9).
Pupils have one teacher who teaches them all three disciplines of science; biology, chemistry and physics.
This allows the teacher to build a strong relationship with pupils and reinforce the essential science skills which are so important to have an excellent working knowledge of how to work scientifically.
Both Year 7 and Year 8 have 6 lessons of science per 2 week cycle. CHS has 2 well-equipped Lower School science laboratories, both with new, state of the art interactive boards, and a full time Lower School science technician.
The Year 7 curriculum focuses on skill development and embeds numeracy in the curriculum; all skills which are further tested at GCSE and A Level. Year 7 pupils look at The Big Questions of Truth and Identity throughout their science topics. One example of this is the opportunity to study how DNA helps to determine our identity.
The department has written its own in house scheme, which is reinforced by using an online resource called Activate by Kerboodle.
All pupils have access to a digital text book with many other online resources and assessment to support learning.
The Year 8 Scheme has also been redeveloped and includes traditional topics plus current, engaging science which underpins the theory and makes science relevant to the pupils.
The topics covered in Year 7 are:
- Introduction to working scientifically and Cells
- Particle model and elements
- Forces and Space
- Human and plant reproduction
- Light and Sound waves
- Acids and alkalis and types of reaction
The topics covered in Year 8 are:
- Diet and digestion
- Periodic table/atomic structure and separating mixtures
- Energy and energy resources
- Respiration, photosynthesis and Microbes
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Reactions of Iron and rates of reaction
- Interdependence (Chester Zoo trip)
Pupils visit Chester Zoo during Year 8 where they take part in a scientific skills workshop which helps reinforce their skills in a real life setting, observing the chimpanzees.
Each topic is assessed throughout using formative assessment and also assessed at the end of each topic with a Common Test. Pupils can see the progress they are making using their own competency progress tracker.
Science lessons are very skills-based and therefore have large practical element to them.
The competencies we develop in Science are:
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Inquiring and Designing
- Processing and Valuating
- Communicating and Collaborating.