Infant & Junior Entry Information
Entry to Reception
The main point of entry into Infant & Junior School is the Reception class. A child will start School in the September after their 4th birthday.
For entry to Reception, assessments take place throughout the autumn and spring terms. Children will work alongside experienced staff in an informal setting to assess early literacy skills, counting and numerical awareness.

Entry to Infant and Junior and classes
For children entering our Infant classes, we spend time assessing reading, spelling and writing skills as well as the areas of numbers, handling data, shape and measurement.
Children wishing to join our Junior classes should be able to read fluently and with understanding, to answer questions orally and in writing and to write for around 30 minutes on a given topic. They should have taken an interest in reading both for pleasure and for obtaining information. Some of the questions set may require ‘reasoning’ rather than straight forward English or Mathematics and some questions will be multiple choice.
Children should be able to work quietly and to remain in one place for around 30 minutes at a time.
In mathematics we expect children to have a broad knowledge of mathematical concepts and skills. The areas of number, handling data and shape and measures will all be included in the assessment. The children may be asked to do simple calculations, written and oral, whether set as mechanical examples or in problem form.