Visiting CHS

At Cheadle Hulme School we are proud to offer our visitors a warm, friendly and professional welcome. The School also has a legal duty of care for the health, safety, security and wellbeing of all pupils and staff.

Important Information for Visitors

CHS is committed to the safety and wellbeing of its pupils. Safeguarding them from harm is the School’s highest priority. To facilitate a visit to our School, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

Upon your arrival

Please use the intercom on the gates and explain to our Reception team who you are, and who you are visiting. You will be guided on how to sign in at Reception, where you will be issued with a visitor’s ID badge / visitor sticker which should be kept visible at all times whilst in School. The member of staff you are visiting will then collect you from Reception and accompany you during your visit.  You must remain with your host unless you have prior DBS clearance, and it has been agreed that you can be unaccompanied.

Sports spectator?

If you are spectating at a sporting event you may be asked to sign in with the sports team so, please proceed directly to the appropriate venue/pitch and remain in the designated areas.


Please only use the toilet facilities designated “Staff & Visitors”. These will be clearly marked, but please ask a member of staff if you are unsure.

  • Our Reception team will provide all visitors with a“Safeguarding and Evacuation Procedures” leaflet to read.  This leaflet provides guidance on how to ensure your relationship with pupils remains professional.  It also contains information on our Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures. The leaflet provides further information for Visiting Speakers, and guidance on the use of IT whilst on site.  If you require the use of our IT facilities, please let us know in advance so a guest login can be set up for you.  Please note that your activity on this login will be monitored and any alerts will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Please do not take photographs of pupils without explicit permission from a member of staff.
  • If for whatever reason you are concerned about a pupil in School, please let the member of staff you are visiting know to contact the Safeguarding Team. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Susan James.
  • Please familiarise yourself with the Emergency Action Plan Notices which are displayed at emergency call points. In the event of an evacuation, the member of staff you are visiting, or the sports team, will guide you to the appropriate assembly area.
  • The School has a First Aid Centre, please let the member of staff you are visiting know if you require First Aid or other medical care.
  • Smoking/Vaping is not permitted on any part of the School campus.
  • Dogs are not allowed on site.

Claremont Road is the primary access point for contractors and deliveries to sign in/out.

Please report to a member of the Estates Team, the reception in The Lodge, or telephone either the Estates Manager on 0161 488 3343 or the Caretaker on-duty on 07528 353482. A 5 mph speed limit must be always adhered to.

Contractors working on site will be given a site induction which includes instructions on what to do in a fire emergency and where the assembly point is; plus, accident reporting procedures and the location of first aid boxes and defibrillators.

CHS is no smoking site.

Please note that the School does not accept liability for any vehicles or contents parked on the site. During term time, delivery vehicles can enter the School’s vehicle-free areas until 7.30am, but after this time must be escorted by a member of staff and are not allowed to park in the vehicle-free areas unless agreed by the Estates Manager, and a permit is displayed. A 5 mph speed limit must be adhered to at all times.

For more information about site induction or our Contractor’s Code of Conduct please call the Estates Manager on 0161 488 3343 or the Caretaker on-duty on 07528 353482.