CHS has a strong tradition of Service and Leadership, embedded within the ethos of the School.
Leadership is a key aspect of everything that Waconians do – in the classroom, on the sports field, serving in the community and in co-curricular activities.

Senior School Leadership Opportunities
Pupil Voice unifies the School. It begins in Year 1 in the Junior School and runs all the way through School to the Upper Sixth, where it culminates in the School Council.
Pupils take responsibility from a young age to represent their form group by gathering opinions and suggestions for improvements, to raise at the fortnightly meetings and then feed back to their Forms. The meetings are run by the Head of Year Student Manager and a member of the School Council.
Each Form in Years 7 and 8 have Form Captains who are elected by the class. The Form Captains organise any Charity work which the Form and help their Form Teacher with organisational matters. They join a Committee which meets with the Head of Year where they can raise issues of concern to their Form. In Years 9 and 10 each Form has 1-2 Form Reps. The positions are reviewed at the end of each term to give as many pupils as possible to hold a position of responsibility. They are part of a Committee which meet with the Upper School Captains where they can raise issues and concerns from their Form.
Upper School Captains are appointed in Year 11. They apply to and are selected by the Head of Upper School. They undertake a day of leadership training and team building and also attend personal development sessions throughout their term of office. Their responsibilities include representing the students’ voice in the Upper School, organising a charity fundraising event, preparing the Year 11 Year Book and acting as role models and ambassadors for the School.
The Library Resource Centre Assistants Programme is a structured programme which develops pupils from Year 7 upwards, in a variety of library based skills and responsibilities.
Pupils learn to use the Heritage computerised cataloguing system and run the Library Counter during lunch times, issuing and returning books and other resources. They are trained to help with queries from other pupils and staff on resources available for research and in addition staff the Library Resource Centre Bookstore, which is open every lunch time. Participating pupils have termly meetings to discuss new initiatives for the Resource Centre.
Pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form students can apply to become a House Captain for one of the four School Houses, named after notable former pupils; Allen, Clarke, Marsh and Whitehead.