Learning Support
We are committed to ensuring that every Waconian succeeds in fulfilling their true potential.
We endeavour to help any pupil who may be experiencing barriers to their learning and work with them to develop strategies that allow them to access the curriculum equally.
The small team works across the Senior School and where appropriate, also works closely with outside agencies. We have a small base within the main school building where individuals or groups of pupils are able to work.
Sixth Form students may access the department’s facilities during their study periods, whilst younger pupils visit on a more peripatetic basis; for instance, they may require a short period of support to overcome a particular aspect of study, or require generalised help with their personal organisation, study and revision skills.
Learning and Support is also accessible at lunch-time and after School.
To find out more about Learning and Support and applying for a place at CHS, please contact our Admissions Team.
For existing families, please contact the Head Of Department via Parent Portal.

Learning Support FAQs
A member of the Learning Support Team will make contact with the child’s previous school to meet with the SENCO, Class Teacher and the pupil with the aim of producing an ILP (Individual Learning Profile). This document will detail the strengths and challenges for the pupil and will offer guidance on support strategies for teachers.
Families are also invited to meet the Learning Support team prior to the child starting school.
All pupils entering Year 7 will be invited to a transition event during the summer term where they meet their form tutor. Members of the Learning Support team will be on hand to support pupils during that day.
In the Senior School, we assess all Year 7 pupils using an online screener called LUCID EXACT. This tool allows us to assess current levels in reading, spelling and processing. Any pupils highlighted during the assessment are seen for further in-depth assessment of literacy, memory and processing skills. We repeat the process again at the end of Year 9, in readiness to apply for formal examination access arrangements.
We are unable to give formal diagnoses of learning difficulties such as Dyslexia. If this action was thought necessary, we would signpost families to an appropriate assessor and would support the ensuing assessment.
The Head of Learning Support works closely with Heads of Year and Heads of School to analyse pupil progress after each data entry point during the school year.
We have an assessor in school who is qualified to assess for and process applications for formal examination access arrangements at both GCSE and A level. Please note that JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) states that privately obtained reports can only be used as supporting evidence for applications and all assessments must be carried out in school, to ensure a fair process.