A Celebration of A Level Achievement
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 who today, collect their A Level results.
“We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on site for this morning’s celebrations marking the students’ impressive academic achievements. During another challenging year the Class of 2021 have worked incredibly hard, also showing resilience and endeavour which will serve them well as Old Waconians embarking upon their next steps towards their chosen destinations. I speak on behalf of all the Staff in wishing them the very best for the future as they say farewell to their time at CHS, and look forward to hearing about their post-CHS journey when they return to School for their first reunion in December.” – Mr Smith, CHS Head
To see the Class of 2021’s celebrations throughout the morning, follow #CHSuccess on Twitter @CheadleHulmeSch and keep up with live action from the Sixth Form Centre on our ‘Be Extraordinary’ Blog.