The Junior School is proud to announce that they have started to work towards the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. This is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning.
The School aims to gain the award by the end of this year by raising awareness of ‘green’ issues in and around the school and trying to make a real difference within both the School and the wider community.
Through student-led committee meetings, assemblies and project work, the children will address ways in which they can help to improve our environment. Work has started at a pace; the Junior Committee has already been formed and has carried out an initial environmental review. We will keep you posted of their findings,.
So far, the response from all the Junior children has been amazing and already they are proving their passion and ability to lead the way. This week we have heard of Gen Flanagan’s letter to Burger King which we feel sure contributed to the pressure put on the fast food Company to stop the use of plastic toys in their children’s meals. Freya Farrington told us about her regular litter picks when she walks the dog. She wears special gloves and always goes with a parent.
What a great, green start!
Watch this space for more Eco-updates.