Old Waconian Dr. Olayinka Aina Koso-Thomas (Class of 1954) has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the National Autonomous University of Mexico for her pioneering work on the practice of Female Genital Mutilation.
Olayinka, who attended CHS from 1952 – 1954, has spent over 40 years working in the fields of family planning, general medical practice, birth control and public health.
After studying Medicine at Leeds University and Berkeley University in California, Nigerian-born Olayinka relocated to Sierra Leone, where she has spent her professional life dealing with the health consequences of FGM affecting women and young girls in Africa.
Her landmark book on Female Circumcision gives a stage-by-stage strategy for long term eradication of FGM and has introduced many health workers to the mission of finding an understanding with its practitioners to adopt a symbolic alternative to cutting the body in the name of tradition.
It is the second time Olayinka has been honoured for her work; in 1998 the King of Spain presented her with the ‘Prince of Asturia’ award in recognition of her work on the risks to health by the practice of FGM.
During her time at CHS, Olayinka enjoyed staying in the Boarding House and is well remembered by many of the friends she made during her time at School. Congratulations Olayinka!