Old Wac Alyssa shares road to Cambridge with Think Tank pupils

CHS welcomed OW Alyssa Kouyaté back to site last week to chat to pupils in CHS’s Politics Society, Think Tank, all about her journey from studying Politics A Level, to reading HSPS at Cambridge University.

Once a regular attendee at Think Tank herself, Alyssa now stood before the group in a very different role –  a guest speaker. Alyssa, who is currently studying Human Social and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Cambridge University, shared top tips for acing your Politics A Level, and what helped her receive the grade she needed.

Always put a lot of effort into your mocks, do not go into an A Level without sleeping well enough and keep investing in your co-curriculars even during busy times. Even on study leave, you shouldn’t stop doing sport and the things you love.”

I’m only where I am now because Year 13 me decided that I wanted to go to Cambridge and put in the work to get there. The sacrifice is very worth it.

Mr Peter Thorn, CHS Teacher of Politics & Think Tank leader commented on Alyssa’s visit: “It was fantastic to have a student who was so successful talk to our Year 12 and Year 13 students about what it took to succeed in A Level Politics. Alyssa’s notion that she could know the spec inside out and be unsurprised by any question was great, and has been referenced by me repeatedly since!

Joining CHS in Year 7, Alyssa was granted the opportunity of a full bursary, which supported her throughout her time at School. As well as throwing herself into co-curriculars like Think Tank, she also turned her experience into an inspiring narrative and regularly shared her experience with parents, alumni and the wider community to highlight the transformative impact of the CHS Bursary Programme.

Read more about Alyssa’s journey at CHS here.