It’s been another year of impressive results for CHS’s A Level students, who are celebrating a 99% pass rate.
The inspiring results have once again seen students take up places at some of the country’s top universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, and Exeter, as well as giving them the option to explore opportunities across a variety of industries including placements in engineering and Computer Science.
Topping CHS’s results table, Alex Benton received 4x A*s, Matthew Brint received 3 A*s and A, with Alice Mee, Charlotte Brady, Lottie Needham, Alex Greig and Patrick Robbins all receiving 3 A* grades each.
Alex Greig will be heading to the University of Warwick to study Politics and Philosophy whilst Alex Benton is now preparing for a year in industry, working for a design agency in Cambridge. He said: “I’m really pleased, the placement I’ll be doing is part of the YINI Year In Industry scheme, so I’ll be spending 12 months working whilst figuring out my next move.”
Heading to Queens College, University of Cambridge to study Economics, Luke Masom scored A*A* grades at A Level and two D1s (A* equivalents) at Pre-U. Luke advised others they should consider applying to Oxbridge. He said: “It’s a tough process and you have to go through a lot, but if you know you want to do it, just go for it. Cambridge is one of the top universities in the country so it’s worth putting in the effort.”
Tom Powell, who achieved 3 A*s will be studying Maths at University of Oxford’s Keble College and was delighted with his results. He said: “It’s like one of those moments where classical music should be playing and you really think, ‘someone should be editing this’. I can’t wait for the next step; I love the University and Oxford so it’s going to be great. I’m really excited.”
Cheadle Hulme School Head, Lucy Pearson said: “We are really pleased with the A Level and Pre-U results for the students this year and they have every reason to be proud. As might be expected, the vast majority are now going on to take up their places at university, but there are also growing numbers who are choosing other paths and these results stand them in excellent stead, whether that is for apprenticeships, art foundation courses, work placements or a GAP year. Having strong A Level results is about giving yourself options and the CHS students have done precisely that. I am delighted.”
Matthew Brint, who achieved 3 A*s and an A is considering pursing some work experience within Finance and said: “I couldn’t wait to find out how I’d done and had to check my results online before coming in to School. I’m pleased, I’m thinking I’ll reapply to university next year and just take a year out to see what happens.”
Some students have changed their options due to their success; Languages student Alice Mee achieved the exceptionally rare feat of scoring full marks in both French and Spanish exams. She received 3 A*s and planned to study Language at Durham – she will now take a gap year as an au pair in Tenerife before considering applying to Cambridge next year. She said: “I’m really happy, I’m looking forward to spending some time immersing myself in the language whilst considering my options.”
Sophie McFarlane who achieved an A* and two As and will be combining her love of netball and computers when she goes on to study Software Development at Durham University and said it’s important to pursue your passions: “I’ve always loved maths and the work we’ve done with computers at CHS helped in my decision-making. It’s something I really wanted to do. There’s only 10 girls on the course so it’s important that other girls aren’t afraid to consider STEM subjects. I’ve already done trials for the University netball team too.”
75% of students at the School received grades A*-B; 8 students were awarded an outstanding 3x A*s or higher, with a further 8 students achieving D1-D1 (equivalent to an A*) at Pre-U.
Following on from last year’s success, Further Maths celebrated high scores once again, with 6 of 9 students achieving A* grades.
Students in the Lower Sixth are also celebrating, with 88% receiving A*-A grades in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), assessed at A Level standard. In the first year CHS has offered the qualification, James Walker and Christopher Squire both gained an impressive 100% and Imogen Hill and Jessica Taylor were picked out as ‘outstanding’ candidates.
See photos of all this year’s results day action in the Media Gallery.