The Head’s Essay Competition 2018

Budding writers at CHS will carry out research and write about a topic of general interest outside of the curriculum with the launch of School’s newest academic award, The Head’s Essay competition.

Launched by Head, Mr Neil Smith, the contest is open to all pupils in Years 5-13, and will explore the theme of ‘The Impact of the First World War‘ – chosen to link with the School’s commemoration of the end of the war in 1918.  

Pupils can write about one of the following areas of impact, or can choose any other area of impact which they are interested in researching:

•             …on society (or a specific section of society)

•             …on empires

•             …on the geography of Europe

•             …on the peoples of Europe

•             …on a particular nation

•             …on a particular person

•             …on technology

•             …on science

•             …on an individual family

•             …on the arts (or one aspect of the arts, e.g. literature)

The essays should attempt to explore how far the war had an impact on the chosen area of study, and will be judged on the quality of research, explanation, discussion and evaluation across the following year group sections: 5-6; 7-8; 9-11; 12-13.

Mr Neil Smith said: “Although preparation of the essay will require commitment and hard work, I hope that it will also prove to be a rewarding and stimulating experience for the pupils who take part, and will help develop the skills necessary for success as they move through the School and beyond.”

Typed or handwritten entries should include pupil name and Form, page numbers, a word count and a list of resources used in the research. Completed entries should be submitted to, or at the Head’s office, by 3rd December 2018.