The 1 in 6 Campaign
CHS has always been about creating a community where young people come together to grow, connect, and thrive. It’s a place where lifelong friendships are formed, that sets young people on paths to pursue futures as unique as they are, whatever direction that may take.
This ethos of inclusivity and connecting with people from all walks of life is what helps set CHS apart. It’s what Old Waconians reflect on when they return for reunions, what parents say drew them to CHS for their child and the warm, approachable environment created by everyone at school is the first thing visitors say they notice the moment they step onto our site.
Our community shapes our classrooms, our friendships, and the way we see the world. It prepares every Waconian—not just those receiving financial assistance—for life beyond CHS.
While our values remain constant, we have always adapted to the challenges of changing times.

Today, we face one of our greatest tests.
The cost of living crisis and more recently the introduction of VAT on school fees threatens to undermine the very nature of what makes CHS the school it is today and creates a school that doesn’t reflect the realities of the wider world. That’s not the future we want for CHS.
Our vision for the future
Widening access through financial assistance has always been central to our mission. Bursaries are key to ensuring our community remains vibrant, diverse, and inclusive and that’s why, for the past 18 months, we have been preparing for this moment. Find out more about the impact of bursaries at CHS here.

The 1 in 6 campaign is our response. At present, 1 in 11 students at CHS benefits from financial assistance. By 2030, we aim to increase this to 1 in 6.
But this campaign is about more than numbers. It’s about preserving the CHS experience that so many describe as life-changing—a place where every individual is valued, where wide-ranging talents and achievements are celebrated, not just those in the classroom and where different perspectives prepare young people to thrive in the wider world. Read more about our collective impact here.
A Community effort
Thanks to the generosity of a small number of parents and Old Waconians, we have already raised around 40% of our £5 million target. But there is still some way to go. We are now inviting the entire CHS community to join us. Every gift, no matter the size, takes us one step closer to ensuring that CHS remains a place where students from all backgrounds live and grow together.
To make a donation visit our Donate Now page here.

1 in 6 campaign FAQs
The 1 in 6 Bursary Campaign is CHS’s commitment to widening access and preserving the inclusive community that defines our school. Our goal is to increase the number of students benefiting from bursaries from 1 in 11 to 1 in 6 by 2030.
Bursaries have always been an integral part of CHS’s ethos, ensuring that talented young people, regardless of their financial situation, have the opportunity to grow, connect, and thrive here. But the impact of bursaries goes beyond those who receive them. They enrich every corner of our school by bringing together students from diverse backgrounds. This diversity creates a vibrant environment where every student learns to navigate different perspectives, collaborate with others, and prepare for life in the wider world.
The 1 in 6 Campaign represents a pivotal moment for CHS. It’s about more than numbers—it’s about protecting what makes CHS special and building a future where every young person, regardless of their starting point, has the chance to thrive.
A Bursary is a form of financial assistance to help cover fees for students whose families may not be able to afford the full cost of a CHS education. Bursaries are awarded based on financial need and can range from 10% to 100% fee remission, depending on the specific circumstances of the family. A small number of 110% Transformational Bursaries are awarded to looked after children referred to us by our partner, Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation.
View our Financial Assistance information booklet here.
Preparation began with discussions with Governors, parents, Old Waconians and staff to ascertain their views on a number of strategic fundraising projects for CHS. A decision was reached to focus solely on raising funds for bursaries.
In addition, during the last academic year SLT led a ‘self-assessment’ exercise and asked the school community questions about our identity, future, and how our history informs our present. An outcome of both exercises was the affirmation of our diverse community as a core strength and reinforced the school’s commitment to being a place where students from different backgrounds can learn together, and enrich each other’s experiences.