The Cheadle Hulme School Bursary Trust
The Trust was formed in 2005 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the school’s foundation. The Trust is registered with the Charity Commission (charity number 1115254) and is independent of CHS.
From its foundation, Cheadle Hulme School has been committed to the education of young people, irrespective of financial means. The School came into existence in order to provide an education for those in need, hence the School’s original name: The Manchester Warehousemen and Clerks’ Orphan School. This education was paid for by subscription and by charitable donation.
Over the years, the School has had to adapt to changing economic, political and social trends and now sits proudly as an independent, co-educational day School. However, we have not forgotten our heritage nor our founding ethos.
The School retains its deep-felt desire to enable those families who otherwise would not be able to afford to send their child to CHS. The School is academically selective and seeks to support children whom we feel would benefit from the education that we offer.
Funds are raised through appeals and campaigns organised by the School’s External Relations Team. The Cheadle Hulme School Bursary Trust ensures these funds are used to develop a lasting endowment legacy to support the awarding of financial assistance through bursaries.

All funds raised for bursaries are invested by the trustees of Cheadle Hulme School Bursary Trust. The income generated from those investments, supplemented where appropriate by capital from the Trust funds or donations, are used to make an annual contribution to Cheadle Hulme School for the support of bursaries. The bursaries awarded cover fees and associated costs such as school uniforms, school lunches, personal educational equipment, school trips and transport to enable pupils to attend school. The trustees regularly review their investments and performance, which are currently held with Rathbones Investment Managers and CCLA (COIF Charities Ethical Investment Fund) who have wide experience of investing charitable funds.
The trustees have a range of policies and procedures which are reviewed regularly, including Investment Policy, Reserves Policy and Risk Management Policy.

David Riley, Governor and Old Waconian
Lee Richardson, Head – Cheadle Hulme School
Catherine Boyd, Former Governor and Former Parent
Stuart Abraham, Governor and Parent
Steve Walton, Former Parent
Ian Jepson, Current Staff
Belinda Walmsley, Governor and Old Waconian
Christopher Brennan, Old Waconian and Former Parent
For more information about the Cheadle Hulme School Bursary Trust, please contact the External Relations Office or find out more here. The current Chair of the Trust, David Riley, is also happy to be contacted through External Relations.